Sushi has become one of the most popular Japanese foods, and loved by people all over the world.

 Sushi is a food made of seasoned rice and a topping.The topping is often fish, but can be also other things such as sliced omlette or meat roaf. At a kaiten-sushi or rotating sushi restaurant, you will see many kinds of toppings which even the Japanese cannot think of.

 Sushi may seem simple to make, but some types need professional skill.
 Sushi have been regarded as a treat for special occasions. But sushi at rotationg sushi restaurants are more reasonable and served for fair price.

 I have seen some non-Japanese people use the word “sushi” when reffering slices of raw fish. This is a big mistake! They should be called “sashimi”. Sashimi is sliced raw fish without any rice.

 Therefore at a Japanese restaurant in Japan, asking “Get me some sashimi.” never gives you sushi, and vice versa.